Weekly Undergrad Events

Register to stay updated on all our events. But besides the daily liturgies, here’s the basic weekly rhythm at the Catholic Center. Come join us!

You can also stop by the Catholic Center anytime to study, pray, or just to visit and grab some coffee.

Thursday (see below) is the biggest night of the week—start there!


Mass and Bagels

After the 11:30am Mass at St. Joseph’s in Greenwich Village, we head over to the Catholic Center for bagels.

We’ll see you there!


Men’s and Women’s Nights

The men and women of the Catholic Center meet (separately) for a night of community, fun, discussion—it varies. But it’s always worth coming! Tuesdays at 7PM.


Homeless Outreach

Come join us as we serve our brothers and sisters living on the streets of New York.

Meet at 11am at the Catholic Center. We’re out until about noon.


Community night:


Newman Dinner


Thursday is the core of the weekly rhythm at the Catholic Center.

After our regular Holy Hour and Mass (4pm and 5:15pm), we have a weekly formation talk at 6pm, and dinner at 7pm.

Come for all or part of it! The formation talk is given by one of the chaplains or a special guest.